Death Wandering, 2018
Death Wandering
Video Art Installation, Everything that rises must converge, Group Exhibition, Manjm, Haifa, 2018
Death is there as the ultimate truth; nobody can escape it or avoid it.
In death we are all equal.
Death is wandering around us, always giving us the reason to create and live.
Death connects all of us together.
What is our relation to death?
As humans we always want to make meaning out of stuff, we don’t like things we don’t understand. When it comes to death that is a big issue to make sense of.
Some look into the eyes of Death and some are even afraid of hearing the word death; others just ignore the fact that it exists.
Death is the door to the mysterious riddle of the human existence.
In this project I have put a coffin on top of a car and installed 4 small hidden cameras inside the coffin covering the 4 directions, north south east and west, so it’s filming 360 degrees.
I wandered in different Palestinian towns and cities uniting all of them in onedrive.
Death is there watching the world; present at all moments, who is there to look at it? Who is afraid of it? Who is ignoring it? and for whom it is just not present at all?
Death is my friend, without knowing death you cannot know life.